Dental phobia makes people postpone or neglect dental work. Sedation dentist, L. Blaine Kennington DMD, offers IV and oral conscious sedation solutions.
Does going to the dentist make you panicky? Maybe you have a sensitive gag reflex, are embarrassed about the condition of your teeth or are just a bit claustrophobic. Your sedation dentist, L. Blaine Kennington DMD at Cowlitz River Dental understands. He and his staff aim for the most relaxed, calm atmosphere possible in their dental office and offer sedation dentistry options to take the edge off your nerves.
What is sedation dentistry?
From simple exams and cleanings to the most complex dental procedures, many people need a little help controlling dental anxiety. Dr. Kennington and his professional team at Cowlitz River Dental offer several ways to control discomfort and to relax worried minds. The dentist will review your medical and prescription drug history to help determine what kind of sedation is best.
The first is simple local anesthesia. Often called a pain shot, this mild anesthetic is injected right where it’s needed, numbing the site so fillings, extractions and other work can be completely painlessly. Dr. Bennington swabs on some topical anesthetic before injecting the patient’s gums, adding additional comfort to the procedure. After work is complete, numbness usually wears off within an hour or so.
The second is nitrous oxide. Traditionally called “laughing gas” because of the feeling of euphoria or giddiness it confers, nitrous oxide has been relaxing patients for decades. Administered through a nasal mask, nitrous oxide is often combined with local anesthesia. Its effects wear off immediately, allowing patients to drive themselves home from their dental appointments.
Another choice is oral conscious sedation. Oral conscious sedation is taken in pill form before the dental appointment or at the doctor’s office. Oral conscious sedation choices include familiar drugs such as Halcion and Valium. These medications often allow patients to nap during their procedures. They are easily awakened afterwards, but may feel groggy. So, patients must be accompanied by a friend or loved one to drive them home after their work is completed.
Cosmetic dentist, Dr. Bennington, also offers IV conscious sedation. This medication is introduced into the patient’s system via a needle in the arm. It can be adjusted up and down to maintain a proper level of relaxation. Patients often drop off to sleep, but can be awakened easily afterwards. Dr. Bennington and his team carefully monitor vital signs during IV conscious sedation.
Don’t postpone your dental work
Your oral health is too important to neglect. Put your fears into the hands of a capable and compassionate dentist near Longview, WA–Dr. L. Blaine Kennington. He will examine your teeth and gums, explain your sedation options and complete your work comfortably. Contact Cowlitz River Dental today for a consultation.