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Why Might a Dentist Recommend Tooth Extraction?

September 2, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 10:20 pm
an extracted tooth

You’ve just met with your dentist and learned that one of your teeth is badly damaged. It cannot be treated with a dental crown or even root canal therapy. The only solution left is to remove it. You don’t want to lose one of your natural teeth, but you also don’t want to put your oral health at risk. Discover the reasons for tooth extraction and why your dentist recommends this practice to ensure the future of your smile.

What Happens During a Tooth Extraction?

When learning that you need to have one or more teeth removed, you’ll likely wonder what the process will be like. Your dentist will go over the details with you during your appointment, but a quick breakdown of steps might look something like the following:

  1. Your dentist will administer local anesthesia to numb the tooth and the surrounding area.
  2. If the tooth has partially erupted, they will use dental elevators and forceps to lift the tooth and gently move it back and forth.
  3. Holding the tooth tightly, it will detach from the ligaments below so all that remains is a vacant socket.

Should you have an impacted tooth, your dentist will need to make a small incision in your gum tissue to expose the tooth underneath the gums. Being careful to avoid the bone as much as possible, they will likely cut the tooth into sections and gently remove it.

What Are the Reasons for Tooth Extractions?

Not all situations call for a tooth removal. Patients who think that a cracked or decayed tooth will be better if it no longer remains in the mouth; however, keeping natural teeth in their rightful place is always the better solution. But when it’s no longer an option because of the risk it places on your oral health, your dentist will need to remove it.

If you find that your tooth is exhibiting one or more of the following, don’t be surprised if your dentist decides that it is time to take it out:

  • You have a tooth that is badly decayed and cannot be treated with root canal therapy.
  • You have an extensive build-up of plaque and tartar that is affecting the bone, causing your tooth or teeth to loosen.
  • You’ve suffered extreme facial trauma, causing one or more of your teeth to no longer be considered viable.
  • You have significant overcrowding that cannot be treated with braces until a tooth is removed.

While uncertainty and nervousness are both common reactions to learning you need to have one or more teeth removed, trust that your safety and comfort are your dentist’s top priorities. Choosing to extract a tooth may not be what anyone wants to occur, but if it improves the state of your oral and overall health, it’s worth the time and effort.

About the Author
Dr. L. Blaine Kennington is an experienced dentist who enjoys helping patients achieve the smiles they deserve. Should tooth extractions be necessary, he and his team will implement safe and effective techniques to carefully remove teeth and create a healthier smile for the future. If you need to have one or more teeth removed because of decay, damage, or an infection, contact our office at (360) 703-9092.

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