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What Problems Can Ill-Fitting Dentures Cause?

April 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 9:58 pm
woman holding a top row full denture

Receiving customized dentures to restore your smile after suffering from severe tooth loss can feel like a dream come true. Being able to eat the foods you love, speak clearly and not slur your words, and smile with greater confidence are benefits you may have felt you would never experience again. But what happens when your new teeth no longer fit the way they once did? Read on to learn about the kinds of problems that can occur when living with ill-fitting dentures.

What Causes Dentures to Fit Poorly?

When choosing dentures as your preferred tooth replacement solution, you should know that it is common for changes to occur over time.

The reality is that dentures do not provide stimulation to the jawbone like dental implants do. Instead, they sit solely on top of the gums, replicating only the crowns, not the roots. This is why it is normal for your facial shape to change as well as your jawbone.

What you will find is that your jawbone begins to shrink, resulting in ill-fitting dentures. What was once comfortable will become difficult to wear and bothersome without timely care.

What Kind of Complications Will Occur with Ill-Fitting Dentures?

There are several problems that you will begin to notice when living with ill-fitting dentures. While some take longer to become evident, others will serve to spur your desire to seek treatment sooner rather than later.

These include:

  • Difficulty Speaking – When your dentures no longer sit atop the gums comfortably, you will find that they begin to slip or move around when trying to speak. A lisp often forms, making it difficult to say certain words while also trying to keep your teeth inside your mouth.
  • Increased Soreness – Ill-fitting dentures can cause gum inflammation and soreness, making it difficult to wear your prosthetics.
  • Damage – Whether you have a full or partial denture, one that does not fit correctly poses a risk to healthy teeth. Chips and cracks can form as well as worn-down tooth enamel should your denture become loose.
  • Difficulty Eating – When trying to consume a meal with uncomfortable dentures, you will find that it is much harder to eat your favorite foods. Not only can food become lodged between your denture and gums, but infection can form if it is left untreated.

What Steps Can You Take to Fix Your Dentures?

The first step you should take is to schedule an appointment with your dentist. Their expertise will make it easier for them to identify the problem and recommend appropriate treatment to avoid causing additional problems to your smile and/or prosthetic.

You may only need a reline, or you may need to have your dentures replaced. The decision is up to your dentist, but you can trust that they have your best interest at heart when providing a recommendation.

About the Author
Dr. L. Blaine Kennington is a dentist at Cowlitz River Dental who cares about patients with all types of smiles. Those who need help to replace missing teeth can find hope with customized dentures. Made to restore a patient’s appearance, they deliver greater function, aesthetics, and oral health. But when dentures no longer fit like they used to, you are encouraged to contact our office at (360) 703-9092 to find out how we can help create a more comfortable set of teeth.

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