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The Truth Behind Activated Charcoal: Is It Safe to Use on Teeth?

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — cowlitz @ 3:48 am
person dipping toothbrush in activated charcoal

If you follow any of the social media trend trends that influencers are promoting, you’ll find that activated charcoal is being touted as the newest form of teeth whitening. Individuals are using the dark substance to remove stains and reveal what appears to be a whiter set of pearly whites. But is it safe to use? Are there any potential risks? Continue reading to learn from a cosmetic dentist why it’s best to ignore these trends and instead let a professional whiten your smile.

What is Activated Charcoal?

When heating coal and other similar products (i.e., wood, petroleum, peat, etc.) you get what is commonly used on a regular grill – charcoal. However, when you take the mixture and oxidize it, the fine powder becomes porous and increasingly adsorbent, causing it to turn into what is known as activated charcoal.

It’s commonly found in emergency rooms because its adsorbent nature can counteract the effects of a drug overdose as well as prevent poison from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Activated charcoal is also an ingredient in many facial masks because of how it binds to toxins.

Does Activated Charcoal Work on Teeth?

Although it has its benefits when used correctly in emergencies, there is much debate on how safe and effective it is when used on tooth enamel.

Social media influencers are encouraging others to use activated charcoal as a way to whiten teeth because of how it can remove surface stains. While this might be true, you’re unlikely to see the kind of whitening results you truly desire.

The problem with using activated charcoal on your pearly whites is that it is abrasive. Although it is typically sold as a powder, it can cause tooth enamel erosion if used too frequently. This can increase your chances of developing tooth decay, as bacteria are more likely to adhere to a rougher surface.

Why Professional Teeth Whitening is Best

Do-it-yourself trends like activated charcoal may sound like a worthwhile attempt to brighten your teeth, but if you want to achieve a true whitening experience, it’s best that you turn to the professionals.

Choosing a cosmetic dentist who can provide teeth whitening either in-house or as a take-home kit will have you seeing a noticeably whiter smile in less time. Not only are the products used approved by the FDA and ADA, so they are safe to use, but they are also administered by a licensed oral healthcare professional who will oversee your treatment.

With in-office whitening only taking one hour and take-home trays producing results in two weeks, you will be glad you invested in a more effective and reliable solution.

When it comes to your teeth, skip the trendy videos and social media endorsements. Turn to a cosmetic dentist who has your safety and smile goals in mind, and prepare to enjoy the results you’ll achieve with professional teeth whitening.

About the Author
Dr. L. Blaine Kennington opened his own practice in 2002 and has been helping the city’s residents achieve healthier, more aesthetically pleasing smiles ever since. He and the team at Cowlitz River Dental offer professional teeth whitening services that work to eliminate stains to reveal beautiful, long-lasting results. Visit our website or call (360) 703-9092 to find out why visiting a professional for treatment will put you one step closer to the results you truly want.

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