Having your wisdom teeth removed may be a common procedure, but it’s still a process that requires anesthesia, sedation, and post-operative soreness. As a form of oral surgery, you can expect to feel some discomfort during recovery, but what else can be expected while your mouth heals? Read on to discover what steps you’ll need to follow to ensure that you do not experience any complications after wisdom tooth extraction.
What is the Typical Timeframe for Wisdom Tooth Extraction Recovery?
On average, it is not uncommon for the recovery process to last about a week; however, this will vary depending on the complexity of your procedure as well as how easily you heal.
Having a strong immune system can help in reducing your risk of infection or complications, and abiding by the instructions provided to you by your dentist will also ensure that you are back on your feet in no time at all.
What Should You Know About the Recovery Process?
There are several things your dentist will go over with you before undergoing wisdom tooth extraction. While these details may be reiterated to the person who is taking you home after your procedure, it’s important that you have this information beforehand so that you can be better prepared.
Once you are home from your appointment, make sure that you:
- Rest for the remainder of the day. You’ll want to elevate your head to avoid additional pressure placed onto your mouth, as it can often happen when blood rushes to this part of your body.
- Do not engage in physical or strenuous activities, as this can cause you to bleed more.
- Apply a cold compress to your cheek to minimize discomfort and swelling.
- Take prescription medicine or an OTC pain reliever to help reduce any achiness and soreness you might be feeling.
- Replace the gauze used to cease bleeding as often as needed until a blood clot forms.
- Eat softer foods, as they will make the recovery process less painful simply because you will not be biting down or chewing on anything. Instead, you can get the nutrients you need by consuming softer foods and allowing your extraction sites to heal. Once your mouth begins to feel normal again, you can start incorporating denser foods into your diet.
When it comes to your oral hygiene, you’ll need to gently brush your teeth and be careful when approaching the areas around your sockets. You do not want to irritate them. Instead of rinsing with an alcohol-based mouthwash, use warm salt water and let it drip out of your mouth. Do not swish or your blood clot will become dislodged.
Using straws, smoking, or drinking alcohol are also things you’ll need to avoid for several days or even a week, as these can result in a dry socket, causing you much pain.
Give your mouth the best chance to heal successfully by following the orders provided to you by your dentist. Before you know it, you’ll no longer feel any discomfort and be able to eat, drink, and engage in physical activity as before.
About the Author
Dr. L. Blaine Kennington provides wisdom tooth extraction to individuals who have yet to say goodbye to their third molars. Because of the awkwardness of these teeth and the potential harm they can cause, he and his team at Cowlitz River Dental use advanced techniques and solutions to remove these teeth, giving patients a chance to experience better oral health and a pain-free smile. Contact our office at (360) 703-9092 to find out if you are a good candidate for wisdom tooth extraction.